Elected Officials Celebrate Legislation Returning Some Local Control Over Zoning to Our Towns

08 May, 2024


May 8, 2024


Elected Officials Celebrate Legislation Returning Some Local Control Over Zoning to Our Towns


HARTFORD, CT Today, elected officials from both sides of the aisle celebrated the final passage of S.B. 333. This crucial piece of legislation signifies a rare and historic step toward returning governance of planning and zoning to our municipalities, ensuring that decisions are made as close to our local communities as possible.

Senator Ryan Fazio (R – Greenwich), who serves as a Ranking Member on the Planning & Development Committee and who authored the legislation, began, “For decades, the state has taken more and more powers away from our towns and cities to determine their destiny over zoning, development, and more. And last year, over 100 towns and cities infamously watched as more of their powers over zoning, development on public lands, public hearings, and more were unjustly stripped away without any form of public debate. S.B. 333 corrects some of those wrongs.” 

“This session was highlighted by successful attempts to remedy the relationship between the state and our municipalities, especially in regard to local issues of zoning and development. One of those positive steps was S.B. 333, which puts control back in the hands of local communities who best guide the decisions that impact their neighbors and families,” Rep. Tom O'Dea (R New Canaan) said.

The bill comes in response to last session's controversial "zoning rat" law, which barred towns and cities from making necessary amendments to their municipal charters. 

 “As a legislator, it is my first duty to serve the public, and last year’s removal of the public process on eminent domain was overly egregious,” said Rep. David Michel (D – Stamford). “I am proud that we unanimously voted in the House to repeal that legislative proposal, which was hidden in our implementer last year.” 

“While there are many powers that our local communities need and deserve returned by the state, I believe this is progress. I appreciate the bipartisan work of my colleagues working toward a compromise. Hopefully, this will be the first victory of many future ones for local control of planning and development in our towns. The government that governs closest to the people governs best. Let's keep working to make that value a reality again,” Senator Fazio said.

S.B. 333 now moves to Governor Lamont’s desk, where it awaits signature.