Republican BET Platform


Republican BET Platform

Fund the best schools and town services AND keep taxes affordable.

Fund operating budgets for the best educational outcome and for the best service levels.

Fund the Modernization of our schools and town infrastructure.

Thorough due diligence of all spending to reduce waste and inefficiencies.

Focus on project execution to reduce delays and cost over-runs

Work with department leadership to find efficiencies and savings.


Stop high-rises and overdevelopment.

Help our town apply and obtain a moratorium from state legislation (8-30g), which allows builders to bypass local rules. Read more.

Work with Greenwich Communities to promote affordable housing, which will allow such a moratorium.

Prioritize funding to address drainage and flood mitigation. Read More.


Provide strong fiscal leadership and ensure smart and responsible spending.

Define a robust capital program.

Keep our debt low.

Find synergies between various town departments.

Encourage Public-private partnerships for non-core investments.

Promote technology adoption in town government.



Funded our schools at the highest levels - operating budget over 25k per student, the best in the country.

Funded our town services to provide the best roads, police, and other town services.

Approved the largest increase in capital budget to modernize our infrastructure.

Kept taxes affordable, below inflationary trend, by challenging departments to find efficiencies and savings.

Kept our current debt low. Ensured town pension liabilities are well-funded.