Laudonia Slams Renewed Push for "Mansion Tax" aimed at Greenwich homeowners

Laudonia Slams Renewed Push for "Mansion Tax" aimed at Greenwich homeowners

13 July, 2024

Tod Laudonia, the endorsed Republican running to represent Greenwich in the 151st House District, condemned a new Democrat movement in Connecticut to increase to 4% a conveyance tax on all home sales valued at over $1 million.

“When residents and families are seeing the cost of living in Connecticut rise across the board, especially with home buying becoming less accessible, Democrats in Hartford are sending a clear message that they want to build more barriers for residents, families, and seniors to make a home in our state. This increase puts a target on the backs of Greenwich taxpayers. Greenwich needs strong voices in Hartford that will stand up against attempts at government reaching further into their pockets to pad the state’s coffers, not another rubber stamp for an extreme agenda. I am committed to managing the cost of living in our state and eliminating burdensome taxes and fees to stimulate our local economy.”

Tod Laudonia is a licensed Realtor™️ whose family has lived in Cos Cob for over 100 years. Tod is running to represent the 151st Assembly District, serving Greenwich. His website is: