March 2024 Update

March 2024 Update

10 March, 2024


Greenwich has held three local elections over the course of the last four months. A hotly-contested municipal general election was held in November, followed by two hyper-local Republican elections; Republican Town Committee (RTC) caucuses in January and subsequent RTC primaries in several districts on March 5.

All three contests saw tremendous participation by GOP voters. Republican turnout for the 2023 municipal election was 62.2%, an 11% increase over the 2021 municipal turnout. To those of you who made phone calls, knocked on thousands of doors, sent texts and emails, delivered signs, staffed headquarters, wrote op-eds, pushed the Republican cause, held gatherings of like-minded residents, and assisted in myriad other ways to get all our candidates elected, the Officers of the RTC give our sincerest thanks and praise.

This record turnout of Republicans shows an activated Republican community in Greenwich. Republicans have a newfound voice and visibility. We welcome this engagement and community. As a minority party in town, we understand much work remains to be done. We need you to help us continue to drive Republican participation, push back on 8-30g and other Hartford mandates, support more oversight of town spending to keep tax hikes under control and remain unapologetic over your Republican values. Please join us at RTC meetings and back our efforts. We are your boots on the ground and your voice across town.

During the January 9th RTC Caucuses throughout town, many RTC volunteers who worked tirelessly to bring that 62.2% of voters to the polls in November were challenged by others. These challengers included current and former local political figures, current and former elected officials, builders with political connections and still others who actively worked against the Republican campaign in 2023. After the caucuses, primaries were forced in Districts 2, 4, 5, 8 and 9.

In the run-up to the March 5th RTC primaries; candidates who have dared to challenge the political insiders were barraged across multiple channels by First Selectman Fred Camillo and other former local officials, in a high-priced, joint campaign that leveraged money, power and the influence of high-profile officials. The campaign was expensive and comprehensive; involving robocalls, multiple mailings, media outreach through local newspaper connections, the formation of a PAC, and non-stop text messages; all unprecedented in an RTC Primary. Regular citizen candidates on minimal budgets were up against political veterans and their machines.

False, derogatory attacks on fellow hard-working Republicans were scattered throughout social media. There was no message of unity or of Republican values. Also, reminiscent of the tactics we experienced in last November’s campaign, the Democrat Party entered the fray. They endorsed a slate that would be better for them. This is a great lesson on the power of propaganda. It was purely an influence campaign. It had nothing to do with the individual candidates, the issues or the intense work it takes to build a successful Republican Town Committee. 

In contrast, the hard-working candidates who brought Republicans to the polls in November met many of you at your doors to listen to your concerns and answer your questions. We have been at your doors several times over the past two years. You are our community and our supporters. We value your opinions.

Cos Cob voters heard our message, saw our work and re-elected three steadfast RTC officers: including highest vote getter RTC Vice Chair Joe Montanaro, State Central Representative Joe Solari, and RTC Secretary Gail Lauridsen. They emerged victorious for a second term, achieving a remarkable and impressive 45% turnout and a trusted voter base. Incumbent Phil Dodson along with energetic newcomers Blazej Cichy and Mike DeVita joined the three officers with primary victories. In Riverside, Gideon Fountain also prevailed in the March 5th primary, picking up a seat that had previously been unoccupied. Congratulations to all of the re-elected and newly-elected RTC members. We look forward to working together as we enter the new term.

Onward and Upward!


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